Let’s explore how easy it is to create new, circular Celtic Knot Work patterns by creating circular grids.  Includes free Celtic Motif Patterns and Celtic Circular Patterns.

This is a five part series that will be expanding over the next few days.

Part 1,  How to create and divide your circle grid
Part 2, Sample Circular and Square Grids, ready to print and use in your pattern work
Part 3,  How to convert a linear pattern into a circular design
Part 4, Four free circular Celtic Patterns
Part 5,  Sample single Celtic pattern motifs to trace

This new tutorial compliments Lora’s newest pattern bundle pack, Celtic Patterns Bundle, available on our pattern website, ArtDesignsStudio.com

cane, walking stick, and wizard wand carvingWood Carving, Relief Carving, Carving Techniques, Wood Carving Projects
Canes, Walking Sticks, Chip, Spoon, Scroll Saw
As of June 8, 2021 – 169 Articles, Projects, and Techniques

Basic Techniques Carving Projects

Wood Carving Basic Techniques

Cane Carving

Chip Carving

Relief Wood Carving Projects

Spoon Carving

Scroll Saw

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