Step 3

Using Prismacolor Colored Pencils color in your Celtic bird.  For the best results keep your pencils very sharp during use. Sharp pencil points fill  in the fine texture of the paper.  Create your colors slowly by laying multiple layers of thin coloring over each other.  You can create gradual blends by working different tonal values of one color over another or you can change the color on an area by working a different hue over the base hue.

Colored pencils are wax based.  As you work the coloring bring each layer up to but not over the black outlines of the design.

To keep your colored pencil work clean, place a sheet of paper over any areas of the design on which your hand or fingers lie.

Step 4

free_scrap_patterns_01When you have your pencil coloring completed use an ultra fine point permanent black marking pen to work the black outlines of the design.

Head and tail – Lilac #PC956, Murier #PC995, and Black Cherry #PC1078

Breast and Top Knot Feathers – Bleu Dece # PC1015, Vert Perroquet #PC1006, Violet Bleu #PC933

Leaves – Chatreuse #PC1004, Vert Primterros #PC913, Vert Neon #PC 1039

Beak and Legs – Orang Solell #PC 917, Orange #PC 918



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