How to use craft paints on your wood carving, taught by Lora S IrishLight loading a large shader brush

Lets reload that brush by laying the bristles in the puddle then pulling a small amount of color out onto the palette.Do this several times, flipping the brush so that both sides are loaded. The paint is now inside the bristles of the brush, not on the bristles.



How to use craft paints on your wood carving, taught by Lora S IrishWhen I move to my wood the amount of paint has been cut by more than one half as compared to the first sample painting. There are no heavy ridges of color on either side of the brush stroke. Plus it takes less time to fill the same area of a carving because I don’t spend time re-working the area to smooth out the excess paint.



How to use craft paints on your wood carving, taught by Lora S IrishIn the time it took me to clean my brush, reload it, and paint the second swatch for photos,  the first swatch of over-load still shows undried, heavy ridges of paint. I will end up with the same coverage of paint with a light load but no ridges, no puddles in the indents.


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