Doodle Day #7 – Pyrography Doodles
DIY Bookmaking, Bullet Journals, Scrap Booking, Card Making, Applique Quilting, Pyrography, Wood Carving, Wood Burn Spoons, Wood Carved Spoons, Leather Work, Free Lora S. Irish Patterns to Download
I love fill patterns, textures, and random designs as my shading strokes in pyrography. While you can, of course, use your shading tip, small repetitive patterns worked with your loop-tip or ball-tip burning pen fill an area easily, add interest, and can add tonal shading by working in layers of burning.
Today’s free doodle patterns show six quick and simple fill patterns. How many burn lines and how packed those burn lines are worked into one area will determine how pale or dark your shading becomes.

If you are new to downloading zip files, please read our step-by-step instructions. This is a text file that you click, open, and can print so that you have the instructions right in front of you as you download.
Here’s a free Lora Irish Pattern pack that you can learn, and practice downloading. Contains 11 full-sized, printable patterns of some of our favorite people.