Crayons are a quick and easy media to use on your printed patterns when you want to test your tonal values before you begin your pyrography burn.
While browsing through the Back to School supplies at my local big box store I came across Crayola’s 24 pack of Colors of the World skin toned crayons. This same palette of colors is also available from Crayola as marking pens – Crayola Ultra Clean Washable Multicultural Markers, Broad Line, 10 Count, and in colored pencil media – Crayola 24 Colors of The World Skin Tone Pencils.
(These are Affiliate links above.)
All these packs hold a range of yellow-brown, red-brown, and neutral brown color giving us, pyrographers, a full sepia scale to compliment our burnings.
Before you touch your wood watercolor paper, or gourds with your pen, use can use these color packs to establish exactly where you want your shading and how light or dark you want it.
Any mistakes or any decisions to change an area’s value is worked out on paper, not on your expensive basswood plaque.