Carving a Chain and Ball
Creating the Links
By L.S. Irish
Carving a Chain and Ball – Introduction
Open Linked Chain Page 1: Measuring the Block
Open Linked Chain Page 2: Establishing the Central Cross
Open Linked Chain Page 3: Creating the Links

Step 6: Use your pencil to mark the shape and location of each link in the chain. You will have a Vertical row of links, shown in red, and a Horizontal row shown in yellow.
Step 7: With a bench knife cut between each link opening the joint to where it touches the arm of the cross. See blue areas.
Step 8: Use a bench knife and gouge to cut open the tunnel areas, again shown in blue. If you want the links of your chain joined (not cut free from each other) stop at this step and shape the individual links.
Step 9: Cut free the remaining joint areas that were trapped inside of the tunnel section. Your links are now freed from each other and can be shaped.
Welsh Love Spoons Tutorial:
Welsh Love Spoons Introduction
Basic Cutting Techniques
Open Linked Chain
Ball and Cage