Sharpening tools

Any carving kit will need a few basic sharpening stones. Shown in this photo, in the left hand column, are a red Japanese water stone with a white ceramic fine stone on top; a ceramic slip strop; and a wood slip strop with yellow stropping compound. To the right are a round white slip stone, a leather strop and red oxide rouge, and a synthetic strop with aluminum oxide compound.

Coarse sharpening stones which are used to create the bevel along the cutting edge are graded from 600 grit to 1000 grit and available in natural stone, man-made stone, and ceramic. Graded from 2000 to 6000 grit fine sharpening stones create the cutting edge.

For round gouges, wide sweep gouges, and bull nose chisels you will want to use a slip strop or a slip stone which has pre-made contours that fit the shape of your gouge.

The leather or synthetic strop used with honing or sharpening compound keeps the sharp, crisp edge developed during the fine stone work pristine. Rouging or sharpening compounds come in a variety of grits and most often noted by their color – green, red oxide, or yellow.

For more information on sharpening visit Sharpening Bench Knives.

sharpening stones and strops for wood carving

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