Carving a Chain and Ball
Establishing the Central Cross
By L.S. Irish
Carving a Chain and Ball – Introduction
Open Linked Chain Page 1: Measuring the Block
Open Linked Chain Page 2: Establishing the Central Cross
Open Linked Chain Page 3: Creating the Links

Step 1: Determine the size of the carving blank you will need. On the blank mark each unit of measurement, creating a pencil grid across the wood block. This sample is worked on a 5 x 5 x 5 unit grid.
Step 2: Mark the central row of grid units on all faces of the block. This will be the wood in which the links are carved.
Step 3: With a bench knife and chisel remove the extra wood. For this example it includes any areas not marked in red.
Step 4: You block should now be in a cross shape.
Step 5: With a pencil re-establish the grid units along each arm of the cross.
Welsh Love Spoons Tutorial:
Welsh Love Spoons Introduction
Basic Cutting Techniques
Open Linked Chain
Ball and Cage