Ball and Cage Carving

By L.S. Irish

The Ball and Cage has long been a favorite trick of the whittler. Created from one piece of wood the cage traps one or more moveable balls within it’s structure.

The Ball and Cage are created from a rectangular unit on the wood blank.
Note that for carving the ball area is centrally located within the cage.
In the excess areas of the cage above and below the ball, drill a hole that is slightly larger than the blade on your scroll saw or coping saw.
Remove the blade from the saw and feed it through the hole in the cage. Replace the saw and cut out these areas.Repeat this step for the opposite side of the cage.

You will now have a small square inside the cage area that will become the ball.
Use a bench knife to slice along the rails of the cage. Work from both sides of the rail until the ball is freed.
Use your bench knife to wedge cut along the ball square. This begins shaping the ball.
Cut wedges from the ball until it is round. You will eventually be able to roll the ball within the cage.

Click here for a printable close-up.

Welsh Love Spoons Tutorial:
Welsh Love Spoons Introduction
Basic Cutting Techniques
Open Linked Chain
Ball and Cage

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