The Basics to Landscape Relief Wood Carving
By L.S. Irish
Roofing Ideas
The roof on our simple pattern is a slate board roof, one of the earliest ways to cover a structure. Below are four more ideas on how your roof might look.

The board and batten roof came soon after the slate roof. Here the space between the boards are covered with a smaller slate board. This not only kept the rain from entering the roof along the board joints it also directed the rain drop to fall off the edge.

A cedar shake roof can be great fun to carve. There is not only the texture of the shakes to make but also the rows of shingles. If you are making new shakes the edge of the cedar board will be very straight, but with age these shingles begin to cup and bow. As an added accent our example has lost a few of the cedar shakes letting the inside roof structure show.

Many areas of our nation used slate as their preferred roof covering. Slate like cedar shingles lets your carve several rows across your roof line. They also let you create designs. The edges of slate roofing pieces were cut into different finishes, then these pieces were carefully arranged as the roof was laid. Thus making diamond, cross, and zig zag patterns across the top of the house or barn.

Of course, tin roof are common on many barns today. Tin panels like board and batten have long vertical ribs to both direct the rain and to interlock the individual panel sections. To make a tin roof look older you can buckle some of the panel pieces or even dramatically bend edges along the soffet line.
On page three we will examine Boards and Bricks.
Roofing Ideas
Boards and Bricks
Field Stone and Flag Stone
Barn Example Drawings
Carving Sample One – Rough Out
Carving Sample Two – Detail Work
Carving Sample Three – Finishing Details