In this free pyrography project session we will wood burn the solid dark tonal values in the outer frame, then add mid-tone shading.

Free Postage Stamp Pyrography Project, sponsored by Art Designs Studio :
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Using a medium-high temperature setting, and your ball-tip or loop-tip pen, begin your project by filling in the the outer frame area of the design with a tightly packed dot pattern. The medium-high temperature will give you dark tonal value dots without haloing or scorching the background area of the work.

The top banner, U. S. Parcel Postage, uses this dark, solid pointillism pattern to make the lettering appear as if it were white colored. This technique is called a negative burn, and is where the background of the element is worked in a dark burn and the primary element is left in the unburned lightest tonal value.

pyrography shading

postage stamp pyrography pattern

Work the graduated shading in the outer frame using the same temperature setting as in step 4 with a loosely packed dot pattern.

The loosely packed dot pattern allows some unburned areas of the wood to show through the burning. This mix of light background and dark dots blends to create a mid-tone value range.

The darkest areas of the shading are worked at the outer side of the area or where the area comes into contact with another area of the stamp pattern. In the sample, below, you can see the darkest area of the corner triangle is worked along the left – outer – side of the pattern area.

Shading in pyrography

Shading in pyrography


Mixed Fruit Pattern Package
 Grapes Pattern Package

Copyright, Lora S. Irish, 1997 – 2015
   Art Designs, 1997 – 2015
All International Rights Reserved
Use of any information, images, or text in digital or printed format or in any magazine, book, or booklet is strictly prohibited without
the written, hard copy permission of the author, Lora Irish.

This is new work, created after May 2013, by Lora S. Irish. Use in part or whole by any publishing company
is strictly prohibited without a written, signed, and dated contract for this new work with the author.
June 01, 2015