Ice Fishing Decoy Scrapbook TagsYou can use that horde of small scrapbook paper pieces that you have been keeping to create this school of fun ice fishing decoys for your next scrapbook layout.

Our samples are worked from Ice Fishing Decoys Patterns on our pattern website,


white card stock or index card paper
assorted small pieces of scrapbook paper
glue stick
graphite tracing paper
light box or bright, sunny window
fine point permanent color markers
hole punch
crayons, watercolor paints, craft paints
scissors or craft knife

1.  Make two printed copy of your ice fishing decoy patterns.

Ice Fishing Decoy Scrapbook Tags2.  Tracing the fish decoy pattern to card stock using graphite tracing paper.  You can work several fish on the same card stock by allowing a 1/2″ margin between each.

3.  Trace the outline of each area of the fish on your assorted scrapbook paper using graphite tracing paper.

4.  With embroidery scissors cut out each scrapbook paper shape, cutting on the inside edge of the tracing line.

5.  Place your card stock fish on a light box or tape the card stock to a bright sunny window.  This will allow you to see the printed pattern lines through the layers of scrapbook paper as you add each new cut section.

Ice Fishing Decoy Scrapbook Tags6. Working from the background forward adhere each cut piece to the card stock fish using a glue stick. Add each layer until your fish is complete.

7.  Place the card stock, scrapbook paper fish under several books and allow to dry overnight.  The pressure of the books will help your fish decoy dry flat.

8.  Using colored marking pens, crayons, and even watercolor paints add scales, spots, dots, lines, and ribbing to your fish. With a fine point black marking pen add you detail lines, fine scales, and the eyes.

9.  With a hole punch add a hanging hole in the center of the top fin of each fish.  Add a little raffia cord.  Your fish are ready to embellish your next scrap booking layout.