How to stain your wood carving by Lora IrishStep 17: Adding an oil paint antiquing.

You can buy pre-mixing oil based stains meant for antiquing your wood projects but they can be expensive when you want to antique with an unusally color (something besides brown), so lets mix our own.

Place a small amount of Hooker’s green oil paint of a sheet of tin foil. Add several brush loads of linseed oil and mix well. Add several brush fulls of turpentine, mix again.

How to stain your wood carving by Lora IrishStep 18: I prefer a synthetic large flat shader for antiquing over an ox haired brush … just my preference. Spot antique your fish by brushing one coat of your Hooker’s green mix over a small area of the carving. With a clean dry cloth (an old t-shirt or old bed sheet) wipe off the antique coloring. Repeat until the entire Whittle Fish has been stained.

If you want to lift more antiquing color from the high areas of your fish wrap a clean area of the cloth around your finger and lightly dampen with turpentine. Rub the turp cloth over the high areas.

How to stain your wood carving by Lora IrishStep 19: Let this dry overnight, add two more light coats of spray sealer.





How to stain your wood carving by Lora IrishStep 20:  Cut and file your copper fins.  With the bench knife cut the fin placement lines on the fish body.  Insert the fins and glue into place.  Your Simple Blended Acrylic Fish is ready to display.


Basics to Painting:


Pumpkin Carving and Halloween Patterns by Lora IrishPumpkin Carving and Fun Halloween Patterns by Lora Irish, available only at Art Designs Studio.  This pack is ready for the very young and young at heart Trick-or-Treater. Stuffed full with 71 patterns ready for your Halloween party, including pumpkin faces, silhouette patterns for pumpkin carving, coloring pages, hanging scarecrows, and even pumpkin school paper. To add more fun we have included thirteen cut and color face masks for a witch, pirate, mummy, cat, devil, butterfly, and more.








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