Working with oil stains in your wood carvingsStep 3: To the linseed/oil mix that is left from step 2 add a 1/2″ of burnt umber oil paint, mix well with a stiff brush. Spot antique your bird by applying one coat of antique mix to small areas at a time then wiping off each area. When the entire bird has been antiqued wipe one more time with a clean cloth.



Working with oil stains in your wood carvingsSECRET – By pretreating this bird with the linseed oil/turpentine mix I can even out the final antiquing coloring. The oil mix prevents the end grain cuts from absorbing excessive amounts of stain while the straight grain cut barely take the grain. Note in the photo how even a coloration the antique finish has.




Working with oil stains in your wood carvingsSECRET – This painting technique is being worked on a Whittle Bird Decoy.  The carving steps to create the bird’s body are the same as you will discover in the Whittle Fish Wood Carving e-Book which includes an introduction to the history of ice fishing decoys, the six basic carving cuts needed to create these fun fish, and two complete projects. Complete your decoy with the painting steps and by creating a simple wire hanger.


L S Irish Wood Carving Whittle Fish Decoys E-BookWhittle Fish Wood Carving e-Book by Lora Irish of Art Designs Studio.  60 pages of instructions, patterns, and ideas included are 20 small decoys patterns with fin variations, 4 long minnow decoy patterns, and 21 large full-sized decoy patterns accompanied by full-colored photos of the carved samples.


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