Step 19: Marking the Buckle Latch Holes

With a transparent ruler, mark the buckle latch holes on the belt end.  Space the holes between ½” (17mm) for wrist bands and 1” (25mm) apart for boot and pants belts.






Step 20: Rotary Punch the Belt End Holes 

Set your rotary punch to the size that matches the buckle latch.  Punch the latch holes.







Step 21:  Completed Boot Belt

Your boot belt or wrist band is ready to move to your pyrography table.


Hope you enjoyed this free, online pyrography leather project. For more fun please visit:

Leather Burned Jewlery

Leather Purse Pyrography, Greenman

Leather Purse Pyrography, Double-Needle Stitching

Pyrography Leather Journal