Painting a Color Wheel for Pyrography, Gourd Art, and Wood Carving

By continuing to add one brushful of the adjacent primary color to your color mixes you can create more intermediate colors and hues.

Cut the petal areas marked #4.
Again you can either return to mixing only primary colors or you can use the tertiary colors mixed in the previous step and add one new brushful of the adjacent primary.

Painting a Color Wheel for Pyrography, Gourd Art, and Wood Carving

3 Red + 1 Yellow = Deep Red Orange
3 Yellow + 1 Red = Pale Orange
3 Yellow + 1 Blue = Pale Green
1 Yellow + 3 Blue = Deep Green
3 Blue + 1 Red = Deep Blue Purple
1 Blue + 3 Red = Deep Red Purple

Adding one brushful of a primary to its adjacent tertiary is equal to 3 parts of one primary added to 1 part on another primary.

Painting a Color Wheel for Pyrography, Gourd Art, and Wood Carving
Pastels are created by adding white to any color, whether a primary, secondary, or tertiary.
Cut the petals in the pattern marked number 6.

Mix one brushful of white with one primary and color in one section of a leaf.
Mix one brushful of white with your secondary color and paint in the second half of the leaf.

Painting a Color Wheel for Pyrography, Gourd Art, and Wood Carving

Our highlighting colors are created using the addition of white to any pure color hue.

1 Red + 1 White = Medium Pink
1 Yellow + 1 White = Light Yellow
1 Blue + 1 White = Pale Blue

1 Orange + 1 White = Pale Orange
1 Green + 1 White = Pale Green
1 Purple + 1 White = Lavender

Painting a Color Wheel for Pyrography, Wood Carving, and Gourd Art

White can also be added to the muted tones that you created in Step 10.
When you add white to a muted tone you have create a mid-gray base for the color. So gunmetal blue (blue + black) now becomes a medium blue gray (blue + black + white).

1 Red + 1 White + 1 Black = Dusty Medium Pink
1 Yellow + 1 White + 1 Black = Medium Ocher
1 Blue + 1 White + 1 Black = Medium Blue Gray
1 Orange + 1 White + 1 Black = Dark Ocher
1 Green + 1 White + 1 Black = Wedgwood Green
1 Purple + 1 White + 1 Black = Dusty Grape