9 Using your flat shader and a medium-hot temperature setting create a textured fill pattern to the background of the pattern. I chose a simple touch-and-lift pattern using my square-end shading tip.

Darken the background areas where it touches the main pattern by working a second layer of fill pattern.

leather burned purse project

11 Use your looped writing tip, or ball-tip pen on a medium-hot setting to add fine line detailing to the beard and mustache area.

Take time to check your original shading steps, re-enforcing any area that does not give a strong, firm feeling to the shape of the face.

I chose to continue that Greenman pattern into the roll over of my purse by burning an added section of leaves. Eventually I will continue to add more and more small patterns, designs, and fill textures to the back of my purse.

leather pyrography greenman purse

12 Since this entire purse project began as a practice board for my leather burning I continued to use the different sections of the purse to experiment with small fill patterns, shading strokes, and line designs.

On the front of the purse I have used each area of the two pockets as an individual area for more practice.
And since I was just having fun with this purse project I used it to experiment with some of my new leather brads and rivets!
leather pyrography greenman purse

Leather Purse Pyrography, Greenman Project by Lora Irish

Here’s a preview of my current leather pyrography purse project.
Horned Dragon Pill Box Purse

dragon leather pyrography purseHope you enjoyed this tutorial – Lora Irish