So, let’s all get together and have some fun relief carving a Mule Deer Buck! You are invited to pull up your computer chair to my teaching table as we work through the steps of this beginner’s project.
We will explore:
1. Carving blank preparation and pattern placement.
2. How to determine the layers of your pattern for easy rough-out carving.
3. How to use texture to add impact to your work.
4. The basics to rounding over shapes and elements.
5. Using wood burning – pyrography – for your fine detailing and joint clean-up.
6. Dry brushing your carving with acrylic craft paints.
This free seminar is meant to be an interactive thread! Please visit and where you can sign up as a member, join the fun, post, ask questions, and interact with other wood carvers.
As we work through these steps if you have an idea, suggestion, or photo that might help with that step, please post it. If you have questions on anything we are doing, please post it. If you are working through the steps with me, please post your photos. No matter how new or how experienced an advanced carver you are, everyone has something to share. The more we all share, the more we all learn.
This carving was done for and is posted here with their written permission. If you get a chance please drop them a “Thank You” e-mail note!
So, here are your supply lists. I will start posting the steps on Wednesday, Feb.4th!
Carving Supply List
10 ½” x 14” basswood Walnut Hollow plaques
graphite paper
bench knife or large chip carving knife
carving tools set –
large round gouge
small round gouge
straight chisel
transparent tape
220-grit sandpaper
foam-core finger nail files
dusting brush, lint-free dusting cloth
sharpening stones
leather strop and rouge
Wood Burning Supply List
wood burning unit – either one tmeperature or variable
fine point, shading, spear tip burning pens
leather strop and rouge
stiff ox hair brush or old, clean toothbrush
Painting Supply List
assorted flat soft bristle brushes
detail or liner brush
water and water pans
palette paper
paper towels
acrylic craft paints
raw umber
titanium white
smoke blue – blue gray
indian mustard yellow
raw sienna
burnt sienna
carbon black
polyurethane or acrylic spray sealer