How to Create a Circular Celtic Pattern, Pt. 2

Here are three circular grids and one square grid that can be used to create your own Celtic patterns, ready for your to save to your desktop.

This is a five part series that will be expanding over the next few days.

Part 1,  How to create and divide your circle grid
Part 2, Sample Circular and Square Grids, ready to print and use in your pattern work
Part 3,  How to convert a linear pattern into a circular design
Part 4, Four free circular Celtic Patterns
Part 5,  Sample single Celtic pattern motifs to trace


16 Section Circular Celtic Grid Layout


12 Section Circular Celtic Grid Layout


5 Section Circular Celtic Grid Layout


Square Grid Celtic Pattern Layout


Free Circular Celtic Pattern



New Lora S Irish Celtic line art, tracing patterns bundle package, available at

Five complete pattern packs, over 100 designs and motifs, for the low price of only $22.95