free scroll saw Santa patternRelief carving can be combined with scroll saw work to obtain quick layers and levels in the finished project.

The scroll saw is often used in our craft to “cut out” a rough image of the carving project from the block of wood, saving a large amount of work time.  It can also aid in the level work that we have been exploring.

In this Holiday Santa Clause pattern we will use the scroll saw to create stacked layers of wood to give added dimension to the work.

The Holidays are here and it’s time to begin working on those favorite stocking stuffers that everyone loves. This is an easy and quick project to create.

Click on the pattern for a full size printable copy.



3 pieces of 1/2″ thick basswood, 8″ x 10″
yellow wood glue
scroll saw or band saw
tracing paper
carving tools

Begin the project by printing a copy of each of the patterns to your right.  Using carbon tracing paper transfer a copy of Layer 1 to one of the 1/2″ thick board.

Gang Cutting:

Step 1: If your scroll saw or band saw can handle a 1 1/2″ thickness of wood during cutting you will gang cut the three layers. This makes the outside edges of each layer precise to the layer beneath it.

Step 2: Lay the three boards in a stack with the traced pattern board on top. Tape the sides of the boards together with masking tape.

Step 3:  Scroll cut along the outside edge of your Santa as noted as the black line in the Layer 1 Pattern. As you remove sections of unwanted wood you can tape the new cut line to secure the gang stack for more cutting.

Santa Carving Project

Step 4:  Use a 1/8″ drill bit to make a hole in the area between the cane and body and the area between his legs. Remove your scroll saw blade from the saw, feed it through these holes the reinsert the blade into the saw. You can now cut out these two inside areas.



Step 5:  You will now have three Santa boards that look like the colored sample to the right of the Layer 1 Pattern. Set on board aside, marking it as Layer 1.




Step 6:  With carbon tracing pattern transfer the Layer 2 pattern to one of the remaining boards.  Tape the two boards together with masking tape.

Step 7:  Cut out  along the Layer 2 areas as shown with the black outline.  Put one set of the Layer 2 cutouts aside, marking these pieces as Layer 2.

Step 8:  You will have extra pieces from this cutting, the body of his hat and his belly and leg area.



scroll saw santa claus patternStep 9:  Working with the remaining pieces, transfer the Layer 3 Patterns to the wood.

Step 10:  Cut out with the scroll saw along the Layer 3 area as shown with the black outlines, marking these pieces as Layer 3.

Note:  If your scroll saw can not handle the 1 1/2″ Trace each Layer Pattern onto a board, cut each one separately following the general instructions above.

Step 11:  Remove any dust and loose fibers with a tack cloth.  Work one piece at a time.  Lay the layer 1 Pattern on the work table.  Apply one coat of yellow glue to the back of each piece of Layer 2.  Attach to the appropriate area on  Layer 1.  Press into place.  Continue through the pieces of Layer 3.  Your project should look like the sample to the right.

Step 12:  Use a lightly damp cloth to remove any excess glue that appears along the joints.  Use masking tape to secure the layers together.  Set the project aside for the day to dry.

Once your Santa project has dried twenty-four hours you are ready to begin carving.


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