Other pyrography leather wrist bands, and boot belts found in Art of Leather Burning.

Adding bead links to your pyrography leather belts is as
easy as working a line of small holes using an awl.  The bead links
can then be threaded to your leather using a jump ring.


This set of wrist bands use readily available jewelry findings to create
the end clamps, lobster hooks, and split rings.


Wrist bands can be thin, as shown above, or made as a miniature
belt with multiple holes to fit any friend.

This boot belt uses an American Indian design.


Hope you enjoyed this free, online pyrography leather project.  For more fun please visit:

Leather Burned Jewlery

Leather Purse Pyrography, Greenman

Leather Purse Pyrography, Double-Needle Stitching

Pyrography Leather Journal

Pyrography Leather Bullet Journal

For more boot belt pyrography pattern ideas, pleases visit our pattern website at ArtDesignsStudio.com

Free Wood Burning Wood Carving Pattern