Pyrography Greenman Leather Bullet Journal Cover

Adding Red Colored Pencil:

Sharpen a medium red or brick-red artist quality colored pencil. Using light pressure work several layers of red to a few of the background leaves. Follow the photo for placement.

You want even, but light coverage. You can always add more colored pencil work to intensify an area as the overall coloring develops.

Working with Cadmium Yellow Colored Pencil:

Use a medium cadmium yellow pencil to the remaining areas in the leaves. Work several light coats to create an even coverage.

Working the Leaves with Olive Green:

Add two or three light coats of light or medium olive-green colored pencil over all of the leaves. This will blend the red and yellow areas into an even transition throughout the leaf.

Add several light coats of olive-green the to face of your Greenman.

Adding Red to the Eyes and Mouth:

Return to your medium red and work several light coats to the lower eye lids and the lip of your Greenman.

During this step I added several more coats of medium red to the leaves where they touch the face or are tucked deeply behind other leaves.

If you have enjoyed creating your own leather pyrography bullet journal and looking for more great ideas, please check out our Adult Coloring, Pyrography, and Carving Patterns Package at

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