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Wood Carving a Basic Wooden Spoon

Today the steps for carving a basic wooden spoon have been posted on my new page – Wood Carving a Basic Wooden Spoon.    So go grab your carving kit, gloves, and a 3″ by 1 1/2″ x 12″ basswood blank and join me as we work through the general steps needed to create your own kitchen stirring spoon.

Now before we begin – before some retired mechanical engineer writes me that my project spoon is not a perfectly dissected ovoid or that my handle is not absolutely parallel to the center line of the bowl – just let me say that spoon carving is an art form that has natural imperfections.

Handmade spoons have dings, dents, bends, wobble curves, and even warping handles.  No matter how hard you try to sand your spoon perfectly smooth I guarantee that you will discover an area of five that need a little more attention.  If you want a “perfect spoon” buy one.  If you want to have fun, enjoy your carving, and be really creative … Carve One!

The Art of Spoon Carving Project

The Art of Spoon Carving
Discover why I carve spoons!
Spoon, Fork, and Ladle Styles for Wood Carving, Traditional Spoon Styles and Shapes.
Four Methods to  Cutting a Spoon Blank
Wood Carving a Basic Wooden Spoon

The Art of Spoon Carving

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