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Adult Coloring Portraits

Break the Boundaries !!!

There is no question that adult coloring is such a success … it’s fun, it’s fast, and it’s easy.

But aren’t you ready for something more?  Aren’t you losing interest in filling in little tiny areas of nonsense doodle designs? Have you had enough of coloring in one repeated pattern a hundred times across a sheet of paper?

You know you can do so much more than just fill-in-the-blank!

Let’s break out of the boundaries, let’s color outside the box, and let’s take on a new challenge … Adult Coloring Portraits.

adult coloring portraits

Our new 149 page PDF E-Book, by Lora S Irish, Adult Coloring Portraits is now ready for download to your computer.  It includes 6 step-by-step projects for creating brilliant, vibrant skin tones; 62 patterns for wood spirits, greenmen, pixies, elves, vampires, feathered shamans, dragons, and a small assortment of fun designs.

Let’s look at a sample portrait from our new E-Book.

We think of skin tones as shades of white, black, brown, red, and yellow … but all skin coloring is simply a shade of orange.  From very pale orange to deep, rich red-black, every human skin color can be created using the same set of colored pencils – a pale yellow-orange, medium golden orange, medium cadmium orange, red-orange, deep rust-orange, and burnt umber orange.

 And we often think of skin shadow colors as shades of deep brown or black.   Yet in colored pencils  using a plain medium or dark brown dulls and dirties the face color.

So let’s start by exploring what other colored pencil shades you may have in your kit that will create those vibrant shadows in your portrait work.

Here are five pages, directly from the E-Book, that show a few of the different shading colors you can used for your face – burnt umber, 70% gray, black cherry red, deep violet, and indigo blue – and how these colors interact with your overall skin color.

Click on the images, below, for a full-sized, 8 1/2″ x 11″, printable copy directly from our new E-Book, Adult Coloring Portraits.

Adult Coloring Portrait Pages

Adult Coloring Portrait Pages

Adult Coloring Portrait Pages

Adult Coloring Portrait Pages

Adult Coloring Portrait Pages

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